Gregory DeClue, Ph.D., ABPP (forensic)

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DeClue, G., & Rice, A. (2016). Florida's released "Sexually Violent Predators" are not "High Risk." Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 8, 22-51.

DeClue, G., & Zavodny, D. L. (2016). This just in: Sex offender treatment is beneficial for one in 28 patients. Sex Offender Law Report, 17, 49-51.
Prepublication Version

DeClue, G., & Rogers, C. S. (2015). The Inside Information Checklist (IIC). The Police Chief: The Professional Voice of Law Enforcement, 82, 50-56.

DeClue, G., & Zavodny, D. L. (2014). Forensic use of the Static-99R, Part 4, Risk Communication. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 1, 145-161.
link to Journal of Threat Assessment and Management

DeClue, G., & Zavodny, D. L. (2013). Forensic Use of the Static-99R: Part 3. Choosing a Comparison Group. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 151-181.

DeClue, G. (2013). Years of Predicting Dangerously. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 16-28.

DeClue, G., & Campbell, T. W. (2013). Calibration Performance Indicators for the Static-99R: 2013 Update. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 82-88.

DeClue, G., & Rogers, C. S. (2012). Interrogations 2013: Safeguarding against false confessions. The Police Chief: The Professional Voice of Law Enforcement, October Issue, pages 42, 44, 46.
Prepublication Version

Brown, C. H., & DeClue, G. (2012). Admissibility and use at trial of false-confession expert testimony. Florida Defender, 24(2), 16-19.
Prepublication Version

DeClue, G. (2012). Criminal interrogations and confessions. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 4, R7-R17. (book review)

DeClue, G. (2011). Using social science to reduce violent offending. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 3, R7-R8. (book review)

DeClue, G., Madsen, E. M., Kline, S. M., Montaldi, D. F., Boccaccini, M., & Murrie, D. (2011). Frequency distributions of Static-99 and Static-99R scores in several recent United States samples. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 3, 30-64.

DeClue, G. (2011). Harry Potter and the Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms? Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 3, 1-18.

DeClue, G. (2010). Dear Sheriff, Your detectives coerced a confession. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2, 347-352.

DeClue, G., & Campbell, T. W. (2010). Still maximizing accuracy in sexually violent predator evaluations. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2, 322-336.

Campbell, T. W., & DeClue, G. (2010). Maximizing predictive accuracy in sexually violent predator evaluations. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2, 148-232.

Campbell, T. & DeClue, G. (2010). Flying blind with naked factors: Problems and pitfalls in adjusted-actuarial sex-offender risk assessment. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2, 75-101.

DeClue, G. (2010). Interrogation. In I. B. Weiner and W. E. Craighead, The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, Fourth Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

DeClue, G. (2009). A memorandum to resolve role conflicts. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 1, 99-107.

DeClue, G. (2009). Paraphilia NOS and Sexual Disorder NOS. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 1, 11-29.

DeClue, G. (2009). Introduction to the special issue on interrogations and confessions. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 1, E1-E2.

DeClue, G. (2009). Three things we have learned from studying investigative interviews by police that should be used to guide investigative interviews by military and intelligence agencies. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 1, E81-E89.

DeClue, G. (2009). Common Wealth. Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 37, 449-456. (book review)

DeClue, G. (2009). Avoiding garbage 3-R: Update and Clarification to Avoiding Garbage 3.

DeClue, G. (2008). Avoiding garbage 3: Fairness and accuracy in reporting criminal histories in sexually violent predator evaluations. Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 36, 431-438.

DeClue, G. (2008). Should Hebephilia be a mental disorder? A reply to Blanchard et al. (2008). Archives of Sexual Behavior, DOI 10.1007/s10508-008-9422-1.

DeClue, G. (2007). Static-99 Sex Offender Risk Assessment Course (SOAP100). Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 35, 541-544. (course review)

DeClue, G. (2007). Response to "The diagnostic issue." Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 35, 499-501.)

DeClue, G. (2007). Oral Miranda warnings: A checklist and a model presentation. Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 35, 421-441.

DeClue, G. (2007). Detection of Deception. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 35, 51-60. (book review)

DeClue, G. (2007). Inventory of Offender Risks, Needs, and Strengths (IORNS). Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 35, 47-49. (instrument review)

DeClue, G. (2006). Practice standards and guidelines for the evaluation, treatment, and management of sexual abusers: Bamboozle no more. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 34, 197-223.

DeClue, G. (2006). Fitness Interview Test - Revised (FIT-R): A structured interview for assessing competency to stand trial. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 34, 371-379. (instrument review)

DeClue, G. (2006). A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, From the Cold War to the War on Terror. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 34, 381-385. (book review)

DeClue, G. (2006). Our inner ape: A leading primatologist explains why we are who we are. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 34, 231-234. (book review)

DeClue, G. (2006). Paraphilia NOS (nonconsenting) and Antisocial Personality Disorder. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 34, 495-514.

DeClue, G. (2006). The psychology of interrogations and confessions. Florida Psychologist, 57(1), 17-18.

DeClue, G. (2006). What I learned about assessing people who have been convicted of sexual offenses from the Presidents of the United States of America. Journal of Sexual Offender Civil Commitment: Science and the Law, 1, 99-123.

DeClue, G. (2005). The Causes of Rape: Understanding Individual Differences in Male Propensity for Sexual Aggression *and* Preventing Sexual Violence: How Society Should Cope with Sex Offenders, Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 33, 419-426. (book review)

DeClue, G. (2005). Psychological consultation in cases involving interrogations and confessions, Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 33, 313-366.

DeClue, G. (2005). Assessing sex offenders: Problems and pitfalls, Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 33, 283-288. (book review)

DeClue, G. (2005). Avoiding garbage 2: Assessment of risk for sexual violence after long-term treatment, Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 33, 179-204.

DeClue, G. (2004). Interrogations, Confessions, and Entrapment. Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 32, 537-539. (book review)

DeClue, G. (5/8/04). On the admissibility of testimony utilizing an aide-mémoire in a Frye state. WebPsychEmpiricist. Retrieved (date) from

DeClue, G. (4/14/04). An introduction to the psychology of interrogations and confessions. WebPsychEmpiricist. Retrieved (date) from

DeClue, G. (2003). Toward a Two-Stage Model for Assessing Adjudicative Competence. Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 31, 305-317.

DeClue, G. (2003). The Polygraph and Lie Detection. Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 31, 361-368. (book review)

DeClue, G. (2002). Avoiding Garbage in Sex Offender Re-offense Risk Prediction: A Case Study. Journal of Threat Assessment, 2, 73-92.

DeClue, G. (2002). The Best Interests of the Village Children. Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 30, 355-390.

DeClue, G. (2002). Feigning Does Not Equal Malingering: A Case Study. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 20, 717-726.

DeClue, G. (2002). Remaking Relapse Prevention with Sex Offenders: A Source Book *and* Practice Standards and Guidelines for Members of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 30, 285-292. (book review)

DeClue, G. Guest Column on Confessions, Sarasota (Florida) Herald-Tribune, 3/27/04.

DeClue's Proposed Rule Regarding Psychologists Who Hold Themselves Out as "Qualified Practitioners" to Evaluate and Treat People Who Have Been Convicted of Sex Offenses, 1/17/06.


DeClue, G. Lessons Learned from DNA Exonerations: Wrongful Convictions Following False Confessions. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Sarasota, Florida, October 2, 2018.

DeClue, G. & Rice, A. Florida's Released "Sexually Violent Predators" Are Not "High Risk." Paper presented at the 35th Annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Orlando, Florida, November 3, 2016.

DeClue, G. & Rogers, C. S., The Inside Information Checklist. Paper presented at the AP-LS Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, March 21, 2015.
Prepublication draft with forms -> DeClue, G. & Rogers, C. S., The Inside Information Checklist. In press, The Police Chief: The Professional Voice of Law Enforcement.

DeClue, G., Florida's Released Sexually Violent Predators are Not High Risk. Paper presented at the AP-LS Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, March 21, 2015.

DeClue, G., Forensic Use of the Static-99R: Part 1. Years of Predicting Dangerously. Paper presented at the AP-LS Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2014.

Zavodny, D. L. & DeClue, G., Forensic Use of the Static-99R: Part 3. Choice of a Comparison Group. Paper presented at the AP-LS Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2014.

DeClue, G., Forensic Use of the Static-99R: Part 4. Risk Communication. Paper presented at the AP-LS Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2014.

DeClue, G., Forensic Use of the Static-99R: Part 1. Years of Predicting Dangerously. Paper presented at the ATSA Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, November 1, 2013.

DeClue, G., Miranda Procedure Checklist. Symposium presented at American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, Oregon, March 9, 2013.
Miranda Procedure Checklist.pdf
Miranda Procedure Checklist.doc
Miranda Procedure Checklist-Sample.pdf
Suspect, Joe sample report.pdf

Zavodny, D. L., DeClue, G., & Cohen, J. Sexual-Recidivism Base Rates Relevant to SVP Assessments. Poster presented at American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida, August 4, 2012.
Sexual Recidism Rates.pdf

DeClue, G. Community Psychology 2012: Using Psychological Science to Change the World. Workshop presented at Florida Psychological Association, St. Petersburg, Florida, June 24, 2012.

DeClue, G. Writing reports and testifying in Florida's Sexually Violent Predator cases. Workshop presented at Florida Psychological Association, St. Petersburg, Florida, July 11, 2010.

DeClue, G. Interrogations and Disputed Confessions: Forensic Assessment, Consultation, and Testimony. Workshop presented at Contemporary Issues in Forensic Psychology, American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Sarasota, Florida, September 27, 2009.

DeClue, G. Interrogations and Disputed Confessions: Forensic Assessment, Consultation, and Testimony. Workshop presented at Contemporary Issues in Forensic Psychology, American Academy of Forensic Psychology, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 8, 2008.

DeClue, G. Clinical-Forensic Psychological Evaluations in Disputed Confession Cases. Workshop presented at Interrogations and Confessions: A Conference Exploring Current Research, Practice, and Policy, University of Texas at El Paso, September 28, 2007.
alternate version for PowerPoint 2003
audio clip of Miranda warning of C (.wav file, 890 KB)
audio clip of Miranda warning of T (.wav file, 3450 KB, loads slowly)
audio clip of Miranda warning of L (.wav file, 6585 KB, loads very slowly)

DeClue, G. Challenges in Sex-Offender Re-offense Risk Assessments - Revised. Workshop presented for the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, August 12, 2006.

DeClue, G. Challenges in Sex-Offender Re-offense Risk Assessments. Workshop presented for the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, August 12, 2006.

DeClue, G. Assessment and Treatment of People Who Have Been Convicted of Sex Offenses. Workshop presented for the Florida Psychological Association, Sarasota, FL, July 15-16, 2006.

DeClue, G. Competency & Confessions. Workshop presented to the Office of the Public Defender, Ninth Judicial Circuit, Orlando, FL, December 5, 2005.

DeClue, G. To treat or not to treat a convicted sex offender who says he didn't do it: Implications of research regarding confessions and treatment. Workshop presented as part of "Adult and Juvenile Sex-Offender Treatment" training, Largo, Florida, November 18-20, 2005.

Florida SVPP sexual recidivism project